Propecia insurance

Propecia insurance coverage

Propecia (generic name Finasteride) is a powerful medication designed to treat BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia, or prostate enlargement). It inhibits conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, the hormone responsible for abnormal prostate growth, often resulting in prostate cancer. The off-label use of Propecia implies treatment of pattern hair loss (alopecia) in men, or excessive hair growth in women, by regulating the hormone levels and turning them back to normal. Propecia is not a hormone replacement therapy, and thus it will not have any effect on your voice, face, personality or gender. The drug is a simple and safe solution for treatment of pattern hair loss, and prophylaxis of prostate cancer, as an additional benefit.

Despite the fact that every year thousands of men are prescribed Propecia, not all insurance companies offer the Propecia insurance coverage. It is a typical situation when patient is prescribed Propecia according to his needs, but the insurance company refuses to pay for the drug. Along with relatively high cost of Propecia and a long term of standard therapy, this may result in significant expenses. If the patient does not know, is Propecia covered by health insurance, or not, it would be wise to look it up, before he decides to buy it. There are certain ways to save money, if you do not have Propecia insurance. You can check how to get Propecia covered by insurance, if you have a lawyer or a reliable source of information in the insurance company. Otherwise, you can continue reading.

How much is Propecia without insurance?

It is curious to learn, how much does Propecia cost without insurance. While most of the insurance policies do not cover Propecia, its original cost without insurance is burdening for an average family. Thus, one tablet of Propecia 1 mg can sell for $2, if you buy small packages. At best, you can expect approximately $0.60 for a tablet in packages starting from 180-250 tablets. Typical course of Propecia requires at least 350 tablets yearly, so you can see that the Propecia cost without insurance is not very affordable.

Insurance would cover a significant part of your expenses, yet nowadays it is hard to find an insurance that would include Propecia, because the medication is not considered essential in basic health system, and most companies prefer to avoid mentioning it in their policies. Thus, you have to rely on yourself, looking for the cheapest Propecia, and the next paragraph gives a few advices on the topic.

How to get Propecia without insurance

Certainly, one of the most affordable and convenient ways to get Propecia is to order it online. While the price of Propecia is unreasonably high in the developed countries, expecting you to have a medical insurance that would cover it, it is common to have the drug missing from your insurance policy. Then, you can look for Propecia on the web, on the international online market, where it is not overpriced just because you live in a developed country. Only a reliable online pharmacy can offer the best price on Propecia without insurance. Make sure you order from a reliable website, so you can save on brand name and prescription, while still buying high-quality original medication.